Dragon age for mac steam
Dragon age for mac steam

Then, when you start a new DAI playthrough, you can choose to use your custom world state during character creation. Once you have your world state how you want it, save it and set it to export to the game. Open one, make all the DAO and DA2 choices you want to make, there are default heroes for every class, race and gender (names for the warden and Hawke don't get imported into DAI so it doesn't really matter what first name you choose, you can change that information on the default hero if you want to, though).

dragon age for mac steam

So what you need to do is go to editable world states in the Keep. The Keep is much newer than DAO or DA2, so they were never designed to work with it. World states/game choices for DAO and DA2 were never exported to the Keep, you have to do those manually. As far as I'm aware (there are some who disagree, so I'm not sure), DAO and DA2 stopped exporting character information when the old Bioware social site went down years ago, so you won't get your characters from those games exported to the Keep (all that got exported were names, gender, class, race/origin in Origins and picture). You don't have to own or have played DAO or DA2 for this (though it does help to understand the choices you're making). Now that I think about it - it could be related, but I just can't connect the dots think the Keep doesn't work how you think it does. Playing DA II i also often had the error that said my cloud saves were outdated compared to what is on my hard disk. Does anybody else have this problem with the Dragon Age Keep not recognizing custom heroes and playthroughs for DA:O and DA II played through Steam? Don't know if you can relate, but there it is. But first it's a waste of time that should not be there.Īnd second - it feels fake. I guess I can waste some time to more or less recreate my choices with some of the "close enough" default heroes. It's a big let down for me - it's basically ruining the feel of my marathon.


If they were competent or had a good system running - I would not have the problem in the first place.īut if they do give a useful answer - I'll update my post or leave a comment. I did write the Origin tech support but honestly I do not expect a useful answer from EA. Tried turning the Origin save cloud storage and tried turning it back on. Tried launching DA II with a non-cut Origins and resaving the game in a new slot. The Keep sees that I own dlc (for DA II - I guess DAO is only registered in Steam so the Keep does not see the dlc).īut it does not see any achievements (which is not important for me per se, but I remember seeing messages about receiving them during playthrough), characters or world states.

dragon age for mac steam

Now I reached DAI and it forces me to import the hero and the worldstate through the. DA II and DA:I - recently on the sale.Īfter buying on the sale I decided to have a DA marathon and played through the Origins, then II.

dragon age for mac steam

I bought Dragon Age Origins through Steam a long time ago. And Dragon Age Keep does not see my heroes or world states.Īnd for the more detailed description I'll use my post in Steam Community - maybe somebody here can give an answer. In short - I played through DA:O (+Awakening) and DA II through Steam.

dragon age for mac steam

I think my problem is a combination of the Keep, DA:O, DA II and Steam coordination problem that reflects badly on me playing DA:I.

Dragon age for mac steam